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Alia Lancaster

Alia's headshot

Name: Alia Lancaster

Role on campus: Senior Research & Assessment Analyst

What I do: I use analytics to learn about academic technology use at UMD. Give me a table/some numbers, and I will help you uncover the story and create an awesome data visualization about it!

Also: A list-maker and baker.

Carillon Communities represented in your section: Visualizing Knowledge 


What excites you about design thinking? The prototyping! I do this in my day-to-day work anyways (I always draw/sketch a data visualization before I make it to make sure I’m going in the right direction) and I love applying this concept to other areas. 

How have you used design thinking in your work? I’ve been a part of design thinking in large committees (large in terms of the number of people and in scope) that are trying to either radically conceptualize their process or trying to understand the people they serve (i.e., create empathy). 

What do you do for fun? I love baking and reading science fiction and fantasy novels (does it have magic and dragons? I’m in). 

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?  When I was four I wanted to be a firetruck! (I loved that they are red and loud and go fast). I have changed my mind a few times since then.

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