Uthkarsh Tolapu ('26)

Uthkarsh Tolapu ('26)
Uthkarsh Tolapu goes by he/him pronouns. He is an international student from India here to major in Computer Science. He participated in the iGive Community.
How do you feel Carillon has helped you adapt to the college environment?
Carillon was extremely helpful in not only adapting to the college environment but also helped me adapt to a new country. I met my current friend circle through Carillon and have made lifelong friends through my interactions in Carillon. Seeing people I went to class with in the same dorm as me made it extremely easy to meet and keep in touch with people.
What is the most valuable thing you have learned from your Carillon experience?
Carillon really helped me burst out of my bubble and step out of my comfort zone. It allowed me to meet new people to express my wild ideas to a group of peers. Along with this, I also had the opportunity to be a peer mentor in my sophomore year which let me gain some leadership experience with a group of first year students and help them assimilate to college life.
What advice would you give to someone considering joining Carillon?
The classes are really fun and allow you to interact with a lot of fellow students. I hope new students can be excited and give it their all for their classes. The workload is relatively light and the classes are as fun as you want them to be. The more invested you are, the more you’ll enjoy learning.