Frequently Asked Questions
About Carillon Communities
Carillon Communities is a living-learning program in which students address Big Questions important to the world and their own educational path through the use of creative problem solving and teamwork. The majority of first-year UMD student participate in a living-learning program such as Carillon so that they can be a part of a smaller community of students who live and take classes together. Feel free to review more detailed information about the specific components of our program.
Living-Learning Communities:
- Help make this big campus feel smaller
- Help students develop a network with other students
Carillon Communities:
- Facilitates academic success through small classes led by distinguished faculty and dedicated instructors
- Allows students to fulfill a Big Question General Education requirement
- Introduces students to UMD through a unique Studio course that opens up a more satisfying and intentional college experience
- Cultivates supportive networks with fellow students and faculty
- Provides an opportunity to cultivate supportive networks with fellow students and a University professor
Students working in teams are more likely to make connections with other students and build a sense of community. These skills are crucial for success in college and highly valued by employers. College graduates rank participation in a semester-long project–like Carillon’s team projects–among the most valuable activities of their college experience.
Students who accept their invitation to Carillon will rank their preferred community placements. Staff thoughtfully shape each community, taking into account student preferences and community demographics.
Communities differ in size but typically range between 40 and 50 students.
There is no single profile for students who participate in Carillon Communities. Carillon invites students from across the University’s schools and colleges who represent a diversity of interests, aspirations, and backgrounds. Our goal is to create a supportive and inclusive community for first-year students.
An invitation to Carillon Communities conveys our belief that you will flourish in a living-learning community characterized by its commitment to teamwork and engagement with principles of design thinking. It is up to you to decide if Carillon Communities is right for you.
No. There are orientation sessions designated for Carillon students, but you can register for any orientation session that works best with your schedule. Carillon-specific orientations will provide an opportunity for you to connect with our staff as well as to receive up-to-date information about registering for your community’s courses. However, an academic advisor will guide you through the registration process no matter which orientation session you attend and you will receive any other critical information about Carillon via email.
Yes. Submitting your interest form to Carillon guarantees you a spot in the program if you do decide to attend UMD, but it does not commit you to UMD. We encourage all invited students to submit the form by February 19. If you were invited to Carillon but missed the interest form deadline, you can submit this form to be added to a waitlist. We will not be able to guarantee you a spot in the program, but we will notify you after the June 1st enrollment deadline.
If you are interested in joining the Carillon Communities but did not receive an invitation with your UMD acceptance letter, you are welcome to fill out our interest form. Students who complete this form may be added to Carillon on a space-available basis. You should complete the form as soon as possible, but we may not be able to determine availability until after the June 1st enrollment confirmation deadline.
The word “carillon” refers to a set of bells hung in a tower. It is pronounced "CARE-uh-lawn." Carillon Communities was named in honor of the Memorial Chapel Carillon, whose (electronic) bells chime on the hour.
No. Students are encouraged to select communities that appeal to them, even and especially if the courses fall outside of their intended major. All students need to take a non-major Big Question course to satisfy General Education requirements, and Carillon courses are designed for non-majors. Carillon offers students an opportunity to explore widely and to expand their knowledge.
Carillon Community courses count toward General Education requirements that students in all majors must complete. The courses may additionally count toward major and minor requirements.
All newly admitted students register for their courses when they attend one of the mandatory summer orientations. Visit summer orientation to learn more about orientation sessions and availability.
The University of Maryland’s Living-Learning Programs (LLPs) offer an immersive experience that allows students to build community through taking courses together, living in community, and engaging in events and activities outside of the classroom. Carillon Communities students live in Easton Hall with program roommates. Students are assigned to Easton Hall on a space-available basis determined by the order in which they submit their Residence Hall Housing & Dining Agreement.
Every first-year student who desires to live on campus MUST complete the Housing/Dining Services Agreement by June 1 to be eligible to live on campus. The housing agreement can be found at Resident Life.
No. Carillon students are not required to live on-campus.
The Carillon Communities program strongly encourages you to take an assignment with another Carillon student in Easton Hall. Given the interest in this living-learning program and the importance of maximizing the space available in Easton Hall, our ability to accommodate-non program roommates is greatly limited. If living in Easton amongst other Carillon students is important to you, you may want to reconsider requesting a non-Carillon roommate. However, if you would like to request a non-Carillon roommate you will need to email with your request and include both students; full names and UID’s. Please note that students requesting a non-program roommate may not be assigned to Easton Hall.
Alternatively, your intended roommate can submit our interest form to request to join Carillon–we may be able to offer them a spot if there is space available.
All accommodation requests of this sort go through Resident Life. You can email them at You can also indicate these needs when completing your Housing & Dining Application. It is totally fine if you participate in Carillon but need to live in a residence hall that is not Easton.
Upon submitting your Residence Hall Housing and Dining Agreements, you'll be able to complete a profile on Roommate Finder. Roommate Finder is our online tool to help find and request a roommate. If you are looking for a roommate, Roommate Finder will use your roommate profile to help you find a match. If you choose not to use Roommate Finder, our Resident Life team will assign a roommate based on your roommate profile.
Remember, many Terps choose to be randomly assigned a roommate, so it’s perfectly fine if you don’t have a specific person in mind! This option allows you to embrace new experiences and make unexpected connections.