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Fall Admitted Students

Congratulations on your invitation to the Carillon Communities! 

More than half of all first-year students at the University of Maryland participate in a living-learning program. We are excited for you to join Carillon––the living-learning program that translates your curiosity into action! Below you will find more information about your next steps.

Important dates

  • February 5 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. ET - Carillon Communities Webinar
  • February 28 – Community placements will be shared via the Terps Application Portal
  • March 10 and April 5 – UMD Admitted Student Open Houses
  • May 1 – Deadline to submit Housing and Dining Agreement and accept your admission to UMD via the Terps Application Portal

Accepting Your Invitation

You received your invitation to Carillon as part of your University of Maryland (UMD) acceptance letter. We invite you to review our website, read about the program, learn about our different communities, and decide if Carillon is right for you. If you want to start your first year at UMD working with faculty and your peers to wrestle with Big Questions important to our world, then Carillon is for you.

Carillon student group photo

Accept your invitation by following these steps: 

  1. Review each of the Communities and see which ones interest you. You can click on each community to learn more about the course and the Faculty Fellow who leads that community. We encourage you to consider communities that allow you to explore interests beyond your intended major.
  2. To respond to your Carillon Communities invitation, navigate to the checklist within your Terps Application Portal and select the Carillon Communities Interest Form (it should look like this). On this form you will rank your top three preferred communities. Please complete the form no later than February 19, 2025. You accept your invitation to Carillon by submitting this interest form—you are not automatically enrolled in the program.
  3. By the end of February you will receive an email notification that you have been placed in a community. At this time, you'll be able to view your community placement on the Terps Application Portal.
  4. Last but not least, be sure to accept your admission to UMD! Completion of the Carillon Interest Form and placement in a community does not commit you UMD—it only reserves a spot for you in Carillon Communities. Accepting admission to the University of Maryland is a distinct process that you will complete via the Terps Application Portal.

If at any point you have questions about Carillon or the steps above, do not hesitate to connect with us via email or phone.

The University of Maryland will hold two Admitted Student Open Houses. We hope you can join us on one of these dates to learn more about Maryland and about Carillon Communities:

  • Monday, March 10
  • Saturday, April 5

The University of Maryland’s Living-Learning Programs (LLPs) offer an immersive experience that allows students to build community through taking courses together, living in community, and engaging in events and activities outside of the classroom. Carillon Communities students live in Easton Hall with program roommates. Given the interest in this LLP and the importance of maximizing the space available in Easton, Carillon students may not live in Easton with non-Carillon roommates. Students are assigned to Easton Hall on a space-available basis determined by the order in which they submit their Residence Hall Housing & Dining Agreement

If you are interested in joining the Carillon Communities but did not receive an invitation with your UMD acceptance letter, you are welcome to fill out our interest form. Students who complete this form may be added to Carillon on a space-available basis. You should complete the form as soon as possible, but we may not be able to determine availability until after the enrollment confirmation deadline. 

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